Wednesday, July 24, 2013

LESSONS OF LIFE: Part 1 : Relationships

                                                  The pain of breaking relationships can be sometimes it any person,any relationship. Mostly it happens when there is a person in your life, who you either never thought would leave you...or  you got attached thinking you won't have any expectations... or you already know can be just a short-lived page of the book of your life. Your mind knows the facts but the heart is not ready to accept.It is always hopeful that these moments will be forever.
                             But the agony starts when the unthought dream becomes a reality,when you realise your worst fears are coming true...that it was infact all momentary! When that person starts drifting apart you realise how attached and involved were you. The empty mind starts cursing the hopeful heart to make it go through this silly emotional trauma. To say silly and dismiss it is easier than to accept that it is actually bitter and mentally draining! The heart pleads and pleads to give it another chance, not to be so harsh...but the mind has made its decision and commands the heart to move on. It is in between this tussle that you get stuck up. Your view towards people, relationships and even oneself changes drastically.
                                             Everything starts looking like a gloomy depressive rainy day...u want to cry out aloud and vent out the hurt.....but it ain't really raining else you would have hidden your tears in the raindrops and recovered your balance like the sun that peeps up after the rain making it chirpy all around again. However hurt you are...this is lasts for a few days,weeks,months or maybe some years. And after that period when you find someone worth the same relation the previous person had in your life, despite all the lessons life has taught you, you attach again and bam!!the vicious cycle continues!!
                                                          Despite having experienced it all before,it happens all over curse yourself again...this time a bit less harshly but...and you wonder why so? Confused over yourself and pondering over the strange similar feelings again you begin to wonder...might be these are the moments,the happiness we desire,we live for but fail to acknowledge and express! And why all this?? 'cuz in the end we don't want a lonely life in this materialistic world but to be alone with all those priceless memories simply seems a better option. To be at war with the mind and the heart is a useless conflict u constantly tires you and so the wounded heart,the bruised mind and the scarred memories become a momento, a "treasure trove" of those lost relationships and life goes on!!

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